ühel lehel
4418AGNBLHKia Sorento I esiklaas soojendusega2002-

WS GNBL, silkprint, handle the mirror horse-shoe shape (type R), heating

4418AGNBLHV1EKia Sorento I esiklaas soojendusega (vin ava)2002-

WS GNBL, silkprint, handle the mirror horse-shoe shape (type R), VIN, heating, 1E change to heating

4437AGSBLHMV1BKIA Sorento II esiklaas soojendus/sensor2009-

WS GSBL, silkprint, handle the mirror trapezoid shape (type Z), VIN, heating, holder rain sensor / light sensor(S41), appearance or change to silkprint

4437AGNHVKIA Sorento II esiklaas soojendusega2009-

WS GN, silkprint, handle the mirror trapezoid shape (type Z), VIN, heating

4434AGSBLKia Soul esiklaas 01/2009-

WS GSBL, silkprint, handle the mirror trapezoid shape (type Z)

4445AGSBLVKia Soul II esiklaas14/01-

WS GSBL, silkprint, handle the mirror trapezoid shape (type Z), VIN

4424ALGBLHKIA Sportage II esiklaas soojendusega2005-

WS LGBL, silkprint, handle the mirror horse-shoe shape (type R), heating