ühel lehel
H2445AGNGYMVBMW 5 E60/E61 esiklaas SED/Kombi (sensor)2003-

WS GNGY, silkprint, handle the mirror round shape (type C), VIN, holder rain sensor / light sensor(S17)

H2445AGSBLMVBMW 5 E60/E61 esiklaas SED/Kombi (sensor)2003-

WS GNGY, silkprint, handle the mirror round shape (type C), VIN, holder rain sensor / light sensor(S17)

H2445AGNGNPV6TBMW 5 E60/E61 esiklaas SED/Kombi (sensori koht)2007-

WS GNGN, silkprint, handle the mirror round shape (type C), VIN, holder rain sensor / light sensor(S44), change to sensor and to silkprint

2461AGNGYMVBMW 5 F07 Grand Tourismo esiklaas sensoriga2009-2011

WS GNGY, silkprint, handle the mirror round shape, VIN, holder rain sensor / light sensor